Our online Point of Sale (POS) application is based on a simple, user friendly interface. The Point of Sale application can be used online or offline on Computer Desktop, iPads, Android tablets or laptops. Our POS fully integrated with the Inventory and the accounting applications.
Any transaction with your point of sale will automatically be registered in your inventory management and accounting and, even in your CRM as the customer can be identified from the app. You will be able to run real time statistics and consolidations across all your shops without the hassle of integrating several external applications.

Some Key Features
Point of Sale (POS) For Restaurant & Bar With The Floors and Tables Management
Sumihai POS Restaurant & Bar lets you quickly overview your bar & restaurant and jump from floor to floor to your table's orders.
The floor plan will tell you exactly where are your customers, where are the free tables, who is still waiting for food, how much room do you have left.